Men, Infants, and
Children Program

10 – weeks

Available via Zoom and also in Spanish

Men, Infants, and Children (MIC) is a 10 – week male program designed for father/father figures. The class meets once a week to help men recognize what it takes be a vital part of their child’s life and how to help create a healthy family environment. As a father/father figure, you play an essential role in your children’s lives. This program provides significant education for father/father figures to master the skills needed to be a competent man and man and effective father.

Anger Management

12-52 weeks
(depending on need)

*These classes are taught on an individual or small group setting.

In this program you will discover myths about anger. Develop self-control over your thoughts and actions. Overcome your anger by developing news skills and figure out what kind of events trigger anger. Learn about the aggression cycle and develop an Anger Control Plan. This program also focuses on cognitive restructuring to allow for conflict resolution.


Saturday or Sunday
8 hours

8 weeks

Shield your child from conflict and learn vital co-parenting skills. These educational services provide parents with the skills they need to create a healthy, supportive environment for their children. Learn how to stay child focused, co-parenting is forever. Also learn the valuable skills of negotiation agreements and conflict resolution. Allowing your child to be loved by both parents by creating a plan for peace not tug-of-war.

Nurturing Parenting

12 – 52 weeks
(depending on need)

Activities in the Nurturing Parenting Program will help you become more aware of yourself. You will be asked to share parts of your past, present, and future with others. Examine and discuss issues that you as a parent constantly deal with such as dating, sex, drugs, STDs, peer pressure, and more. Explore your outlook on your future, future expectations, dreams, and goals. It will be an exciting time for you to grow as a parent.

With this program you will become a more nurturing mother and/or father to your child and help your child grow up healthy with a positive self-worth. Gain knowledge and learn skills in nurturing as a lifestyle, toilet training, nutrition and mealtime, recognizing and understanding feelings, handling stress, creating family rules and ages and stages of growth in your child.